I want ladies to understand this one vital point that most and i mean MOST HUSBANDS will cheat on their wives even if they are married to angels and the fact that your husband cheats on you does not mean he does not deeply love and desire you.
Please don't get it twisted...Not all men cheat and adultery is a sin before GOD and all adulterers be a man or woman shall end up in hell but i am not
Many ladies are always quick to say they can not stand an adulterer as a husband and some will threaten to rain fire and brimstone on a philandering hubby but in case you discover your hubby cheats on you please what would you do?
1.Would you rather leave your marriage, remain single and celibate for life?
2.Would you rather leave your adulterous hubby and start sleeping about with other men who are probably randy or husbands of other women?
3.Would you keep changing the new man to start all over with another if he also cheats on you?
4.Would you prefer to stay with an adulterous hubby and also shamelessly philander about in the bid to seek a revenge?
5.Would you prefer to stay with a philandering hubby,live a decent lifestyle and focus on your life and that of your children and just see him as a sex partner warning him to use protection if he must eat out?
6.Would you prefer a sexually decent hubby to take a new wife because he says he hates sleeping with random women?
Please don't answer with "none of the above because if you are in that position,you will certainly be faced with an option.
This is what i want many married ladies to know and i can't stress it enough..There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop a man to be polygamous either by sleeping around or taking a second wife "IF" he wants to and you can't even nag him out of it but In order to have a good stand if your hubby cheats on you,be a good wife first by being very humble,GOD fearing,Excellent cook,Financially independent,a crazy LovePeddler only to your hubby then watch and see.
Many ladies make some adulterous hubbies feel too important.Don't even think about worrying your head about your husband's fidelity but warn him to use protection if he must keep mistresses...i bet he will be so scared that he will sit up. Unfortunately many ladies just give their husband an excuse to have that Alpha ego whenever they rant and give them heat over an inconsequential emotionally vulnerable side dish.
There are more interesting things in life so please don't spoil your fun by hinging your happiness on your hubby's infidelity to you..trust me,If every married lady can care less if her husband cheats and just focus on developing her life and that of her child(ren),how happy many marriages will be. Its not difficult,,its a thing of the mind.
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